by Urbandroid Team
In Dads Care is the #1 survival guide for dads left holding the baby. Written by Dads for Dads in a...
In Dads Care is the #1 survival guide for dads left holding the baby. Written by Dads for Dads in a clear and concise format. Its easy to read!If Dad is home alone with the new baby, this App will keep him out of trouble - it has heaps of father oriented baby care information - and you can add your own specific baby care notes.
Freedom for mothers! Mom - hand Dad the baby and this great App and go out!
● The main baby care section includes:
✓ Handling - what to do and what not to do✓ Feeding - how often, how much, etc,✓ Crying - why is she crying and what can you do about it?✓ Sleeping - dos and donts,✓ Bathing - what you need to have ready and how to do it,✓ Changing - when and how, ✓ Swaddling - why and how to,✓ Dressing - what to wear,✓ Interaction & capabilities, to help Dad to relate better to baby,✓ Going Out - what do you need?✓ Day Planner - hints,✓ General Warnings
● Unique notes function! Add your own notes anywhere in the App.● Core baby care parenting information to help new dads in sole charge.● Highlighted boxes with tips, important information, and serious stuff a new father really really needs to know.● Additional parenting information to give a new father a bigger picture.
● BONUS Survival Notes for Dad :
✓ A new Dad can get stressed - tips for helping Dad handle it.✓ Sex - will it ever happen again?✓ Tips for supporting the new babys Mom.✓ Identifying and dealing with "Baby Blues" and Post Natal Depression
First Aid - brief notes on how to prepare for medical dramas with your new baby.Grandparent updater - things have changed since they had you - there are sections for car seats, strollers, sleeping, feeding, child safety, boundaries etc.Facebook page - share your photos showing how well it all went (or didnt).
A new babys needs are always changing and its not easy for new fathers to keep up to speed with what is required. This App helps by providing you with the essential baby care information and either parent can customize it to suit your new babys changing needs.Baby care and parenting books and other sources of information lack one key feature - they dont allow for what happens in your home, nor do they allow for the unique qualities of your new baby. Problem solved! This parenting App is doubly useful as the notes function allows you to enter specific information about your new baby e.g. feeding, bathing times, special needs - in fact anything you want! And it can be entered either upfront as a general note, or directly in the relevant baby care section.
BONUS Survival Notes for Dad - some dads are going to find having a new baby stressful. Life has changed completely. Becoming a new parent is a huge learning curve and it is not always easy for a new father to get to grips with what has just happened. This section has useful and important information on how to cope. It also has tips to help avoid mother meltdown.
ALSO: although written for fathers, the other caregivers are finding it useful as well. New moms, nannies, babysitters and grandparents are all using this app.
Why? Its the combination of the clear concise information and the notes function. New moms find it useful by using the notes function to brief nannies and babysitters (and even the grandparents). Nannies and babysitters need to know how mom wants her baby to be cared for while in their care. Nannies and babysitters need to get it right and using the notes function helps. Grandparents often fall back on their past experience, but (if they have a Smartphone!)this app helps.
In US or UK English. Two complete versions of the app are included so you can use Moms or mums or mothers; diapers or nappies; gas or wind, etc.